
Seriously Fun Music Lessons

Play is the way that children learn!  We teach serious music theory, piano technique, classical music, and ear training ... all through play!

Let’s Play Music is a fun foundational music theory and piano class for your child that begins at age 4 - 6.  Classes consist of 6-8 students, and use the magic of group synergy to make learning music fun!  This three-year program solves the problem that a child is most ready to learn music at an early age, but their fingers and letter skills are not yet ready.  Far beyond piano lessons, your Let’s Play Music student will also learn chord structure, ear training, sight singing, and classical music instruction. We take full advantage of the brain’s ability to absorb musical concepts and teach skills in an age appropriate way. Solfege hand signs, folk songs, games, imagination and creativity are important components of each lesson. 

Classes are held weekly over the course of the regular school year in Maggie's home studio in East Lansing.  Each year of the program is divided into 2 semesters consisting of 15 lessons each.  

Cost for Let's Play Music is $560 for the year or $280 per semester.  There is also a materials fee that varies by year.  Materials include a music album for each semester, homework booklets, songbooks, "bug" rhythm flashcards and a tone bell set.  

Parents attend class every other week in year 1 and particpate along with their child in class.  

Parents attend only once a month in year 2 and 3.  Parental involvement is critically important to the Let's Play Music experience.  Maggie is the teacher, but the parent is the "home coach" and will learn along with their child so as to know how to support their at-home practice.

Parents looking to be hands-off in their child's music instruction should look for a different program.  

See class times HERE.

Looking for more details?  Contact Maggie through the contact tab above.